Internet of things water meter and intelligent water service
Time:2017-03-01    Read:701 Time

The Internet of things water meter refers to the remote water meter with the application of the Internet of things special network, which is the latest generation of remote water meter. 

Internet of things (IOT) is a special network set up by China Mobile for IOT application. Unlike general network, IOT special network will remove some functions of general network, and SIM card section will be set up separately. This design is to avoid the interference to the terminal equipment caused by the mixture of information and call in the general network and the terminal equipment in the Internet of things. 

In order to enable the communication of terminal equipment such as water meter to enter the Internet of things special network, in addition to the use of special SIM card, it also needs to be supplemented by other facilities, such as instrument special DTU, also known as "instrument cat". Just like the "modem" used for computer Internet access, this kind of similar product is also needed for instruments to enter the Internet of things.

Water meter diagram of Internet of things




DTU diagram for Internet of things water meter



Similar products: there are some remote meters that use RF wireless transmission and other wireless area self-organized networks as the transmission mode. Because this kind of products do not use the Internet of things special network, but a small-scale local area network, and the technology used is mostly used for short-distance temporary transmission, such as toy remote control, car keys, etc., so it cannot become the Internet of things water meter. This kind of local self-sufficient network has poor stability and is easy to collapse, which is suitable for some small projects with low system stability.

The relationship between Internet of things and smart city

The Internet of things is an important part of the new generation of information technology. Its English name is "the Internet of things". It means "the Internet of things". 

The core and foundation of the Internet of things is still the Internet, which is an extension and expansion of the network based on the Internet; its user end extends and expands to any goods and goods for information exchange and communication. 

Internet of things is the application expansion of Internet, application innovation is the core of the development of Internet of things, and also the most important platform to realize smart city. Internet of things provides a solid technical foundation for smart city. The Internet of things provides the city's perception ability for the smart city, and makes this perception more in-depth and intelligent. Through environmental awareness, water level awareness, lighting awareness, urban pipe network awareness, mobile payment awareness, personal health awareness, wireless city portal awareness, intelligent transportation interaction awareness, intelligent city can realize the intelligent management of municipal, people's livelihood, industry and other aspects. One of the main goals of the Internet of things is to realize the smart city. Many industries and applications based on the Internet of things serve the mainstream applications of the smart city. In other words, smart city is the target of Internet of things.


Development status of Internet of things in China

The application of the Internet of things in China is in the initial stage of development, and many fields have actively carried out the application exploration and pilot of the Internet of things, but there is still a certain gap with the developed countries in the application level. At present, a series of pilot and demonstration projects have been carried out, and preliminary progress has been made in the fields of power grid, transportation, logistics, smart home, energy conservation and environmental protection, industrial automatic control, medical and health care, fine farming and animal husbandry, financial services, public security, etc. 

In the aspect of Internet of things platform construction, among the network operators in China, China Mobile is at the forefront at present. China Mobile has set up a special Internet of things department and opened a special Internet of things network for data collection terminal services. In the Internet of things private network, there is no ordinary civil voice call, nor all kinds of civil value-added services, which correspondingly reduces many loopholes and security risks. It ensures the specificity, purity and security of the Internet of things. 

Therefore, the real Internet of things applications in China are all carried out on the Internet of things platform of China Mobile. The wireless communication on the civil communication network can only be regarded as the preliminary test of the application of the Internet of things. With the development and expansion of the Internet of things and smart city, the separation of human and computer, each platform is the inevitable result.


Problems solved by water meter of Internet of things

1. Solve the problem of meter reading in urban high-rise buildings: high floor, difficult to enter the house, and difficult to wire. 

2. Improve the efficiency of meter reading in large and medium-sized cities: the population is miscellaneous, the flow is strong, the quantity is large, the models are many, and the compatibility is poor. 

3. Solve the problem of step price: class price calculation requires fast copying, strong timeliness and high accuracy. 

4. Improve service quality: from administrative management and tough management to flexible management and technical management. 

5. Analyze the user's resource usage habits and improve the management efficiency by collecting the table data.


Functions of cloud management platform

1) user management: personnel management: assign different permissions to users to ensure that each user can have a unique position in the cloud management platform. 

2) meter management: that is, the management of meter and other terminal equipment. For the terminal meter to be included in the system, the cloud management platform should first include its basic data, including product category code, production batch number, communication protocol, etc. With this data, the cloud management platform can match these terminal devices with bee links. This management module also includes the maintenance information of terminal equipment, as well as the product statistics function.

3) communication module management: that is, management of bee link module, including production management, maintenance management, product statistics, equipment certification, QR code printing, etc. Depending on this part of the management module, the whole lifeline of Fenglian can be managed clearly in sections to ensure product quality and after-sales service. 

4) bee link and terminal device matching management: This is a core function of the whole cloud management platform. Through dynamic matching files, various types and protocols of terminal meters, the same bee link can be used to match, thus becoming a standard data terminal that can be uniformly managed by the cloud management platform.

5) SIM card management: communication card and tariff management: the management module includes package management and card number management of special communication card for the Internet of things. For different types of terminal devices, different ways of transmission are needed. Naturally, it is also necessary to refine their tariff management, so as to achieve enough without waste. In addition, in the process of use, there will be card change, number change and package change, which can be managed in this module. 

6) log management: log management: every user's operation on the cloud management platform for bee link and terminal equipment will be recorded in the cloud management platform. When the user needs, he can query his own operation, or even roll back his own operation. Make hardware work as easily as software.

7) data import and export: provide data backup and recovery, choose path, server address, etc., or back up to local server, offline use some query and statistics functions.

Primary function

1) remote meter reading: remote meter reading of user terminal equipment data (such as water consumption, gas consumption, heat consumption and other data), through the Internet of things special network, with bee link as the communication module, send the data of the terminal meter to the cloud management platform. This part is also the core function of the cloud management platform. Through this part of management function, the cloud management platform can obtain the data collected by all terminal devices.  

2) remote monitoring: it is the upgrade of remote meter reading function. On the basis of meter reading data, it detects various data generated by the meter itself. (for example, the working state, memory state, electricity state, signal state, etc.) of the meter itself. At the same time, the meter with abnormal state (for example, the valve does not act, the battery power is low, etc.) can give an alarm, which has the effect of remote monitoring. 

3) consumption record query: this part of function is to process the copied data and form various query records as the management basis through various query conditions. 

4) payment and account management: for the payment management of the end user, an account can be set up for the user, and the account can provide management methods such as deposit payment, credit overdraft, etc. 

5) report: report can be generated on the basis of query, and can also be connected with financial software to form various standard financial statements.

Intermediate function

1) remote control: it is an upgraded version of the remote monitoring function. The main application of remote monitoring is the data uplink function of the Internet of things, while the main application of remote control is the data downlink function of the Internet of things, that is, the control command generated by the cloud platform is sent to the terminal meter through the bee link to perform the actions the manager wants. This function requires the terminal meter to have the actuator of command, for example, the valve is used to realize the switch function of water, heat and gas meters. 

2) remote diagnosis and maintenance: it is an upgraded version of remote control. It applies the data up and down functions of the Internet of things, modifies the working state or parameters of the meter, tests the battery capacity of the meter, resets the terminal equipment with working state failure, and restores normal functions. 

3) active reminder service: it is an upgraded version of the alarm function in the remote monitoring function. The alarm function is for the manager and the active reminder service is for the end user. 

4). Abnormal consumption analysis: commonly known as blacklist function, it is based on the previous data model to filter the terminal meter data collected and find out the users with abnormal consumption at different stages. It is also used to find out the users with abnormal consumption by comparing the difference between the data of large table and residential table in the community, or to find the pipeline loopholes, so as to prevent them from happening.

5) step price: the step price calculation formula of the cloud management platform is input in advance to calculate the terminal meter data that is regularly copied and collected, and the step fee that the user should pay is obtained, which saves the trouble of manual or semi-automatic step price calculation.

6) electronic bill: the electronic bill is automatically generated through the cloud management platform and sent to the user's mobile phone or mailbox to realize paperless office, and the network payment can also be realized through the mobile phone mailbox or online banking.

Advanced functions

1) user app application query: on the cloud management platform, the standard app developed by a third party will be accepted, and users can download applications just like on Apple or Android. These applications are reviewed by the cloud management platform to ensure security and functionality. 

2) GIS functions mainly include map moving, map zooming, ranging, frame selection, layer selection, Hawkeye, monitoring point data display mode setting, monitoring object adding, monitoring point display position moving, object positioning, data curve and other functions. 

3) curve display: you can view the historical curve of each data at any time and add other data to display multi curve and multi coordinate axes. The curve has the function of zooming in and moving on the time axis to view more detailed curves in the time interval of interest. The system also provides the year-on-year and cycle comparison curves of each data, and supports multiple curve windows on the same page and multiple coordinate axes on the same curve window. 

4) color grading: the system can set color grading according to different parameters, select different colors according to business requirements, and save them as grading display scheme, and select any grading display scheme to view according to needs. 

5) 3D display function: the cloud management platform has the ability to produce 3D images when the amount of data is enough to support, and users can quickly


Existing products form the relationship between Internet of things and smart city

The Internet of things is an important part of the new generation of information technology. Its English name is "the Internet of things". It means "the Internet of things". 

The core and foundation of the Internet of things is still the Internet, which is an extension and expansion of the network based on the Internet; its user end extends and expands to any goods and goods for information exchange and communication. 

Internet of things is the application expansion of Internet, application innovation is the core of the development of Internet of things, and also the most important platform to realize smart city. Internet of things provides a solid technical foundation for smart city. The Internet of things provides the city's perception ability for the smart city, and makes this perception more in-depth and intelligent. Through environmental awareness, water level awareness, lighting awareness, urban pipe network awareness, mobile payment awareness, personal health awareness, wireless city portal awareness, intelligent transportation interaction awareness, intelligent city can realize the intelligent management of municipal, people's livelihood, industry and other aspects. One of the main goals of the Internet of things is to realize the smart city. Many industries and applications based on the Internet of things serve the mainstream applications of the smart city. In other words, smart city is the target of Internet of things.


Development status of Internet of things in China

The application of the Internet of things in China is in the initial stage of development, and many fields have actively carried out the application exploration and pilot of the Internet of things, but there is still a certain gap with the developed countries in the application level. At present, a series of pilot and demonstration projects have been carried out, and preliminary progress has been made in the fields of power grid, transportation, logistics, smart home, energy conservation and environmental protection, industrial automatic control, medical and health care, fine farming and animal husbandry, financial services, public security, etc. 

In the aspect of Internet of things platform construction, among the network operators in China, China Mobile is at the forefront at present. China Mobile has set up a special Internet of things department and opened a special Internet of things network for data collection terminal services. In the Internet of things private network, there is no ordinary civil voice call, nor all kinds of civil value-added services, which correspondingly reduces many loopholes and security risks. It ensures the specificity, purity and security of the Internet of things. 

Therefore, the real Internet of things applications in China are all carried out on the Internet of things platform of China Mobile. The wireless communication on the civil communication network can only be regarded as the preliminary test of the application of the Internet of things. With the development and expansion of the Internet of things and smart city, the separation of human and computer, each platform is the inevitable result.


Problems solved by water meter of Internet of things

1. Solve the problem of meter reading in urban high-rise buildings: high floor, difficult to enter the house, and difficult to wire.

2. Improve the efficiency of meter reading in large and medium-sized cities: the population is miscellaneous, the flow is strong, the quantity is large, the models are many, and the compatibility is poor.

3. Solve the problem of step price: class price calculation requires fast copying, strong timeliness and high accuracy.

4. Improve service quality: from administrative management and tough management to flexible management and technical management. 

5. Analyze the user's resource usage habits and improve the management efficiency by collecting the table data.

Functions of cloud management platform

1) user management: personnel management: assign different permissions to users to ensure that each user can have a unique position in the cloud management platform. 

2) meter management: that is, the management of meter and other terminal equipment. For the terminal meter to be included in the system, the cloud management platform should first include its basic data, including product category code, production batch number, communication protocol, etc. With this data, the cloud management platform can match these terminal devices with bee links. This management module also includes the maintenance information of terminal equipment, as well as the product statistics function. 

3) communication module management: that is, management of bee link module, including production management, maintenance management, product statistics, equipment certification, QR code printing, etc. Depending on this part of the management module, the whole lifeline of Fenglian can be managed clearly in sections to ensure product quality and after-sales service. 

4) bee link and terminal device matching management: This is a core function of the whole cloud management platform. Through dynamic matching files, various types and protocols of terminal meters, the same bee link can be used to match, thus becoming a standard data terminal that can be uniformly managed by the cloud management platform. 

5) SIM card management: communication card and tariff management: the management module includes package management and card number management of special communication card for the Internet of things. For different types of terminal devices, different ways of transmission are needed. Naturally, it is also necessary to refine their tariff management, so as to achieve enough without waste. In addition, in the process of use, there will be card change, number change and package change, which can be managed in this module. 

6) log management: log management: every user's operation on the cloud management platform for bee link and terminal equipment will be recorded in the cloud management platform. When the user needs, he can query his own operation, or even roll back his own operation. Make hardware work as easily as software. 

7) data import and export: provide data backup and recovery, choose path, server address, etc., or back up to local server, offline use some query and statistics functions.

Primary function

1) remote meter reading: remote meter reading of user terminal equipment data (such as water consumption, gas consumption, heat consumption and other data), through the Internet of things special network, with bee link as the communication module, send the data of the terminal meter to the cloud management platform. This part is also the core function of the cloud management platform. Through this part of management function, the cloud management platform can obtain the data collected by all terminal devices. 

2) remote monitoring: it is the upgrade of remote meter reading function. On the basis of meter reading data, it detects various data generated by the meter itself. (for example, the working state, memory state, electricity state, signal state, etc.) of the meter itself. At the same time, the meter with abnormal state (for example, the valve does not act, the battery power is low, etc.) can give an alarm, which has the effect of remote monitoring. 

3) consumption record query: this part of function is to process the copied data and form various query records as the management basis through various query conditions. 

4) payment and account management: for the payment management of the end user, an account can be set up for the user, and the account can provide management methods such as deposit payment, credit overdraft, etc. 

5) report: report can be generated on the basis of query, and can also be connected with financial software to form various standard financial statements.

Intermediate function

1) remote control: it is an upgraded version of the remote monitoring function. The main application of remote monitoring is the data uplink function of the Internet of things, while the main application of remote control is the data downlink function of the Internet of things, that is, the control command generated by the cloud platform is sent to the terminal meter through the bee link to perform the actions the manager wants. This function requires the terminal meter to have the actuator of command, for example, the valve is used to realize the switch function of water, heat and gas meters. 

2) remote diagnosis and maintenance: it is an upgraded version of remote control. It applies the data up and down functions of the Internet of things, modifies the working state or parameters of the meter, tests the battery capacity of the meter, resets the terminal equipment with working state failure, and restores normal functions. 

3) active reminder service: it is an upgraded version of the alarm function in the remote monitoring function. The alarm function is for the manager and the active reminder service is for the end user. 

4. Abnormal consumption analysis: commonly known as blacklist function, it is based on the previous data model to filter the terminal meter data collected and find out the users with abnormal consumption at different stages. It is also used to find out the users with abnormal consumption by comparing the difference between the data of large table and residential table in the community, or to find the pipeline loopholes, so as to prevent them from happening.

5) step price: the step price calculation formula of the cloud management platform is input in advance to calculate the terminal meter data that is regularly copied and collected, and the step fee that the user should pay is obtained, which saves the trouble of manual or semi-automatic step price calculation. 

6) electronic bill: the electronic bill is automatically generated through the cloud management platform and sent to the user's mobile phone or mailbox to realize paperless office, and the network payment can also be realized through the mobile phone mailbox or online banking.

Advanced functions

1) user app application query: on the cloud management platform, the standard app developed by a third party will be accepted, and users can download applications just like on Apple or Android. These applications are reviewed by the cloud management platform to ensure security and functionality. 

2) GIS functions mainly include map moving, map zooming, ranging, frame selection, layer selection, Hawkeye, monitoring point data display mode setting, monitoring object adding, monitoring point display position moving, object positioning, data curve and other functions. 

3) curve display: you can view the historical curve of each data at any time and add other data to display multi curve and multi coordinate axes. The curve has the function of zooming in and moving on the time axis to view more detailed curves in the time interval of interest. The system also provides the year-on-year and cycle comparison curves of each data, and supports multiple curve windows on the same page and multiple coordinate axes on the same curve window. 

4) color grading: the system can set color grading according to different parameters, select different colors according to business requirements, and save them as grading display scheme, and select any grading display scheme to view according to needs. 

5) 3D display function: the cloud management platform has the ability to produce 3D images when the amount of data is enough to support, and users can quickly


Composition of existing products

Existing products mainly include: DTU bee link transmission module for instruments, China Mobile Internet of things special network, photoelectric direct reading water meter. Each instrument manufacturer of cloud management system is developing, but it should meet the interface standards of China Mobile Internet of things or other large operators.

Similar products

There are also some remote meters that use RF wireless transmission and other wireless area self-organized networks as the transmission mode. Because this kind of products do not use the Internet of things special network, but a small-scale local area network, and the technology used is mostly used for short-distance temporary transmission, such as toy remote control, car keys, etc., so it cannot become the Internet of things water meter. This kind of local self-sufficient network has poor stability and is easy to collapse, which is suitable for some small projects with low system stability.

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