Prepaid water meter failure
Time:2017-04-12    Read:1101 Time


How to solve the problem of prepayment water meter? Next, I will give you a brief introduction of some common solutions to the problem of prepayment water meter. 

1. Turn on the faucet and no water will come out? 

It is possible that there is no remaining water in the card. Go to the management department to recharge it in time. If there is still no water after recharging, it may be that the front valve at the water inlet of the water meter is not opened. Manually open the front valve of the water meter for a try. If there is still no water, you need to find the relevant department for the following detailed inspection. 

2. The display shows the lock valve 

This is the attack from the outside, such as the attack from the strong magnetic field or the strong vibration from the outside, so the water meter receives the signal and automatically closes the valve to ensure the safety of our water. We can find the property department to unlock it. 

3. The flow of water after the tap is small 

The problem may be that the filter screen at the faucet is blocked. Remove the faucet to see if the filter screen is blocked. If there is any foreign matter, clean the filter screen of the faucet and try to see if the water outlet is normal after installation. There may also be that the water pressure is not enough. It may be that the time you use water is the peak period of water consumption, so the water pressure is relatively low and the pressure is low, so the water output is less Now, you can try again to avoid the peak period of water use. If both of the above problems can not be solved, it may be that the valve is not fully opened, which affects the normal flow of water. In this case, you can send it to the relevant departments for maintenance 

4. Unable to write water purchase information 

The failure of prepaid water meter may be that the card position is incorrect or the card is taken too fast. It is possible that the card was not put in the seat when we inserted the card. The solution is to check carefully whether the card in hand is inserted in the seat. Wait for the data to be written, and then take the card away. If we can't see whether the water selling department hasn't recharged it in place, such as the problem of the water meter itself, we will send it for maintenance. 

5. The prepaid water meter is not easy to use 

Many prepaid water meters use the way of inserting cards to read and input information. It is easy for foreign matters to enter the card slot when the card slot is exposed. Therefore, users often say that the water meter is not easy to use. To solve this problem, we usually pay more attention to whether there are foreign matters in the card slot. If we find out, we should clean it in time to ensure that the card slot is clean and free of foreign matters.

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