[create development, help ecological construction] Zhaoji instrument participated in Wuhan Water Conference~
Time:2019-06-17    Read:492 Time

From May 9 to 11, 2019 Yangtze River Economic Belt basin Urban Water Development Summit Forum and new product technology exhibition was held in Wuhan. At the meeting, nearly 80 experts and 2000 industry related personnel from eight provinces and two cities along the river were invited to exchange ideas. Zhang Yue, former director of Urban Construction Department of Ministry of housing and urban rural development, Niu Xinqiang, academician of Yangtze River Survey and Design Institute, Xia Jun, academician of Wuhan University, Cao, Institute of aquatic science, Chinese Academy of Sciences were specially invited Academician Wen Xuan and other experts made keynote reports. The conference announced the establishment of Wuhan municipal water treatment technology alliance, and carried out technical discussion and exchange around key issues such as "four water co governance" and "protection of mother river".


The conference will build an industry information exchange platform for the development of water industry in the Yangtze River Economic Zone, and help relevant enterprises at home and abroad to explore the market of water industry in the Yangtze River Economic Zone.


Guangzhou Zhaoji Instrument Co., Ltd. was invited to participate in the Expo and held the sub forum of "construction of sponge city and development of intelligent water affairs in the Yangtze River Economic Belt". In this forum, we will have a systematic and comprehensive understanding of the industry's systematic research and achievements in water governance, sponge City construction and other fields.


The 2019 Yangtze River Economic Belt (Wuhan) Water Development Summit Forum and water science and Technology Expo are jointly sponsored by Wuhan Water Bureau, Wuhan Bishui Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan Water Group Co., Ltd. and Wuhan hanshang Group Co., Ltd., and are jointly sponsored by Wuhan University, Huazhong University of science and technology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University of technology and Yangtze River Survey and planning Planning design and Research Co., Ltd., Changjiang Academy of Sciences, Changjiang Ecological Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd., Hubei Urban Water Supply and Drainage Association, Shanghai Water Supply Industry Association, Chongqing urban water supply and Drainage Association, Jiangsu urban water supply and Drainage Association, Zhejiang Urban Water Industry Association, Jiangxi Urban Water Supply and drainage Association, Yunnan Urban Water Supply and Drainage Association, Anhui urban water supply and Drainage Association The association, urban water supply branch of Hunan Urban Construction Industry Association, and Sichuan urban water supply and Drainage Association are jointly supported by hanshang Group Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Center Co., Ltd., Wuhan sponge City Construction Co., Ltd., Wuhan municipal engineering design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Wuhan Water Science Research Institute, Wuhan planning and Research Institute, and Wuhan planning and Design Co., Ltd Ltd. and Wuhan Water Supply and Drainage Engineering Design Institute Co., Ltd.

Megameter has been working in the field of water meter industry for many years. In recent years, it has formed cooperation with major water companies, college customers and other units. In terms of product technology research and development, in order to create the core product advantages, megabase instruments continue to research and innovate technology, successively in the Nb IOT water meter research and development and then to the intelligent water service platform. Megabase has addressed the industry's defects and problems. In this exhibition and forum, Deputy Prime Minister of Zhaoji instrument said that the effect of the exhibition was good. All the associations that hosted and participated in the exhibition came to the exhibition stand for partners. The exhibition not only gained publicity effect for Zhaoji brand, but also studied and learned from peers about the industry's problems.

The manager of Zhaoji instrument marketing department said that in the future market direction, we should not only make great efforts in product technology, but also make greater improvements in service quality!

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