Good news congratulations to our company on passing the five-star after-sales service certification audit
Time:2019-11-18    Read:0 Time

On November 18, 2019, the certification audit team approved by China Certification Regulatory Commission came to our company to carry out the after-sales five-star service certification audit. The audit covers after-sales service outlets, customer satisfaction survey, product after-sales service quality, service efficiency, etc.
Since its establishment, Zhaoji instrument has always placed the after-sales service in an extremely important position to ensure that every user of our products can get perfect service. Therefore, our company has formulated the most perfect after-sales service standards to ensure that the service concept, service commitment, service strategy and service objectives formulated by our company are effectively implemented and accurately delivered to customers.
Since its establishment, megameter has gradually developed into the top 30 water meter industry in China, and at the same time, it is also constantly innovating technology and giving back to the society with high-quality products. From the public acclaimed ordinary water meter to IC card campus intelligent water meter, to prepaid water meter, photoelectric intelligent remote water meter, ultrasonic water meter, electromagnetic water meter, Nb IOT intelligent water meter of the Internet of things, Nb IOT non magnetic intelligent water meter of the Internet of things, every progress and development of the megameter will innovate technology, serve the public and give back to the society with its original belief.
Zhaoji instrument not only achieved satisfactory results in technical level, but also received applause and support in social level. In this five-star after-sales service certification audit, after rigorous and meticulous on-site review, the after-sales service capacity of megabase instruments has reached the five-star standard (the highest level) of the national standard GB / t27922-2011 commodity after-sales service evaluation system. Successfully passed the five-star system certification of after-sales service. This certificate fully shows that our service ability conforms to the national standard of the people's Republic of China "evaluation system for after sales service of goods".

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