Why doesn't the intelligent water meter come out of the water?
Time:2017-05-04    Read:1954 Time

What if the smart water meter doesn't come out? Don't worry. The water meter can talk. Let's take a look at what the water meter says.
1. The LCD screen of the water meter displays "valve off" and "alarm" to clarify the lack of residual water, and so on. Recharge it as soon as possible;
2. The LCD screen of the water meter displays "under pressure" and "valve closing". This is the prompt that the battery only needs 24 hours of power supply. After the first prompt, insert the user card to re open the valve for water supply. At this time, the maintenance personnel shall be informed as soon as possible to replace the battery;
3. If the water meter suffers from man-made attack, moisture, water or valve scaling and other water meter problems, it needs to be repaired or replaced;
4. To eliminate the above problems, if the water meter still can't discharge water, it may be caused by external reasons such as booster pump failure, emergency repair of water supply pipeline, etc., which can be understood through the property or water supply hotline.

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