What is the reason why the smart water meter card can't brush water
Time:2017-05-06    Read:24705 Time

What's the matter with smart water meter card that can't brush water? Here are some common solutions for you.
First, confirm whether the water meter can be short of power; if it is short of power, the LCD screen of the water meter will display the word "short of power". Whether the front valve of the water meter can be opened and whether there is water in the pipeline. Operate the user card correctly to see if the water meter valve can be opened. If the valve is opened at this time, there are two possibilities:
① if the margin is lower than the alarm water quantity, ask the management center if the alarm quantity of water meter can be set too high in the software. For the water meter in alarm, only the user card needs to be operated to open the valve to use water.
② the water quantity purchased last time was not normally led into the water meter. Normal introduction of recharge amount into the water meter image: in the card inserting process, the water meter will display the purchase amount, accumulation and margin accordingly. The purchase amount is the water amount imported into the card, and the margin is the amount imported into the card and the margin in the meter before the card inserting.

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