Intelligent water meter shows the reason why there is water, but it can't discharge water.
Time:2019-08-19    Read:497 Time

I. check whether the water meter is normal, whether there is display outside, and whether there are other error prompts and displays when inserting the card.
2. Take the card to the water vending machine and read it to see whether the card is good or bad and whether the water is filled into the IC card.
3. If the card is normal and the current purchase amount is in the card, the card is normal in general.
IV. if the water meter does not display, the battery of the water meter is generally dead. If there is a display, but there is no response when inserting the card, it is likely that the lithium battery in the water meter is low-voltage, and the electromagnetic valve cannot be opened. It may also be that the smart water meter card reading (card reading) circuit or the card seat is broken. The contact card seat is generally caused by the card seat being oxidized by moisture. For this kind of problem, it's better to plug in the card more often.
5. Another reason is that the purchase times of meter and water selling system are inconsistent. There will be a query card (check card) in the water selling management point. Insert it into a water meter that cannot be filled with water. If the meter is normal, it can read back the internal user and purchase information. If you can read it, it can also prove that the meter is normal. The purchase times are the same as the system. It doesn't matter at this time, because the water can't be filled in. However, if this problem occurs according to this analysis, the user's card may be broken. This way, you can make up the card. When the card is not broken, the table is not broken, and the purchase times are normal, clear all the information in the table and purchase from a new account, and this problem can be solved.

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