Why does smart IC card water meter automatically close the valve
Time:2019-08-23    Read:270 Time

Sometimes the water meter turns off the valve automatically for no reason, which makes people confused and anxious. So why does the water meter automatically close the valve when there is balance in the water meter? There are three reasons:
1. Battery undervoltage: if the battery inside the IC card smart water meter has no power (insufficient power), the battery cannot provide normal support for the actuator or the circuit part inside the water meter. In this case, the valve will close the valve according to the final charging current.
2. Insufficient water quantity: if the remaining water quantity in the water meter is lower than the set warning value, the valve of the IC card water meter will automatically close the valve for one time. If the user has not detected it, the IC card intelligent water meter will automatically close the valve for alarm after the use of the remaining water quantity. In this case, the user needs to go to the corresponding place to recharge the water fee.
3. Strong magnetic attack: if the smart IC card water meter is attacked by strong magnetic, the anti magnetic coil inside the water meter will be induced, and the internal signal will be sent to the reed and actuator to the valve part, which will make the valve close and cut off the water. In this way, for some users who want to steal water by using strong magnetic field, not only the situation of water leakage will not be realized, but also the water meter valve will be closed, and the tap water can not be used normally.

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